Samantha Couzens, 27, was new to Walthamstow when she volunteered to cook meals at a local hostel in 2019. She had no idea it would lead her to friendship and deep-rooted fulfilment.


“I’d been busy cooking Thursday night dinners on my own when I learned another volunteer who lived a couple of roads over would be joining me,” Samantha, a food photographer, recalls. “I felt nervous, but we walked to the hostel together, and by the time we arrived, I felt like I’d known Penny forever.

“Penny is positive, kind and confident. She doesn’t shy away from doing things, often joining local marches to stand up for the things she believes in, and is a real joy to be around. It didn’t take long for us to become good friends.”

Feeling that it was a privilege to make a living in the food industry, Samantha wanted to pay her good fortune forward – a philosophy Penny, 71, shared. The pair, who both lived alone at the time, now love cooking what they call “school dinner” meals every Thursday at Branches in Walthamstow, a charity that provides support for single homeless people.

vegetable stew and dumplings in a cooking pot, next to a plate serving stew and mash

Samantha says: “Food is the great leveller. Whatever your life story, we all like to sit down to a nice meal, rub our hands together, and tuck in with good company. Penny and I share the same desire to help others with this basic human need.”

The duo meal-plan together, providing a meat and vegetarian main as well as pudding for 12-16 people, using ingredients donated to the hostel each week.

“We do lots of stews and casseroles with mash, creamy chicken or vegetable pie, risotto, bolognese, pasta bakes – hearty, school-dinner-style comfort food. Penny is the crumble queen, and whatever we have goes into a crumble with litres of custard. It’s a massive hit.”

pear and blackberry crumble with custard

Samantha and Penny’s connection has grown with every meal.

“While we cook, we catch up on the week and chat about whatever is on our mind. When our friendship began, I didn’t know anyone in the area, and Penny became a big part of my life.”

And yet, people are surprised to hear about the pair’s age gap.

“Many of our friends wonder how we can have much in common. I know different ages usually means different lifestyles and experiences, but Penny and I have so much in common, our ages don’t matter.”

The pair have supported one another through break-ups, illness and other life hurdles.

“Lots has happened for us both since we met. I quit my job, started my own business and went through a break-up. We both lived alone through the lockdowns and navigated them the best we could. Afterwards, our friendship strengthened further, as we cherished each other even more.”

Now, Samantha lives with her partner Charlie, and Penny has been championing his corner since the pair’s first date.

“I was convinced I didn’t want another relationship, but Penny could see there was something special about Charlie and the way I talked about him. I think she always knew we’d end up together, despite me insisting it was not that serious – and, of course, she was right!”

Samantha and penny

Recently, Penny took a few months away from her volunteering due to ill health. “She was very unwell, and it was a scary time. I still went to the hostel every week and we all really missed Penny. Now, thankfully, she’s better and we’re back to our weekly volunteering, coffees and walks – I value her more than ever.

“Each week, we cook, chat and reminisce with the residents over shared school memories, regardless of how different our lives have been since. Having Penny in my life has made me more open as a person, a better listener and given me a sense of belonging here in Walthamstow. I really cherish our friendship – I’m so grateful for the bond we’ve built serving pie, mash, crumble and custard.”

Make Samantha's hearty vegetable stew and dumplings.


This article first appeared in BBC Good Food magazine, May 2023.

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