At the time of writing, two in seven of us follow a hybrid approach to working where the week is split between office and home. It appears this may help us be more productive, happier and enjoy less stress than those of us who are in the office all the time.


Regardless of where you work, we all need a simple daily routine with habits that lift our mood and energy levels, and keep us feeling connected and grounded. Practising mindfulness can be a great way to keep us anchored and calm. It demands minimal extra time and can be done wherever you are.

Next, read how to increase serotonin, top 10 mood-boosting foods and 10 tips to manage stress eating.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness refers to paying attention to the present moment as it happens – what’s occurring around you and what you experience (your thoughts, sensations and emotions). The ability to notice should be coupled with acceptance (allowing things to be as they are), along with a good dose of self-compassion. Mindfulness helps us manage difficult moments and to truly appreciate the good times.

How can mindfulness help your wellbeing?

Central to the concept of mindfulness is knowing that you are not your thoughts or your emotions – you experience them. You're the witness to all these passing experiences and feelings. Mindfulness helps us step back so that we are less controlled by our thoughts and in that pause, we have a chance to choose how we respond.

A woman meditating at a work desk

Why is mindfulness important when working remotely?

Remote working can blur the lines between home life and work, this may lead to longer working hours and an inability to achieve an appropriate work-life balance. Over an extended period of time, working like this may lead to emotional exhaustion, overload and even burnout.

Mindfulness has many benefits for those who work at home. It helps maintain clarity in our decision-making, thinking and helps us cope with stress and anxiety. You may also benefit from improved concentration and focus and be more effective during your working day, potentially helping you get more done.

There are many mindfulness techniques that may help soothe anxiety and help you structure your day more effectively, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Different methods may resonate with you, so enjoy experimenting with these tools and see what works specifically for you.

10 ways to try mindfulness at home

1. Build a daily routine

Routines give a sense of rhythm to our day, this can be deeply comforting and provide a feeling of safety. It helps support circadian rhythms, promoting the chance of quality sleep, which we know is central to feeling good. Aim to wake up and go to sleep at the same time.

Read more about how to sleep better.

Prepping a healthy breakfast

2. Start and end the day well

Kick-start your morning with a healthy breakfast, this will help with energy and focus. Set some boundaries and take breaks throughout the day to refresh – you may even have to put these in your work diary, and be clear about when you down tools for the evening. Allowing time for relaxation is important, so that you're ready to hit the ground running the next day.

You might find it helpful to prep some healthy meals ahead.

3. Create a harmonious environment

Order in your surroundings helps to create inner harmony, so make your bed, straighten up your living space, open the curtains to maximise natural light and make your work area as clear as possible to help you concentrate. Notice how a quick tidy can blow the cobwebs from your mind. If you can, get outside and enjoy the soothing effects of nature, even watching the moving cloudscape from your desk can help you feel more grounded.

Familiarise yourself with the 10 health benefits of walking.

4. Focus your mind

When you feel worried or overwhelmed, bring your thoughts back to something constructive – what lies within your control? We can get caught in an endless spiral of ‘what ifs’, but ‘what can I do about this’ puts you back in the driver’s seat. If your mind keeps flitting to things beyond your control, go easy on yourself and use healthy distractions, such as baking or cooking, call a friend or get outside for some fresh air.

Learn more about how the food you eat affects your brain.

A woman doing yoga

5. Move for mental health

We often associate the benefits of movement with the physical body, but we need it just as much for our minds, too. Some gentle yoga stretches to release tension, a swift walk up and down the stairs to get the blood and endorphins pumping, or a gentle run around the park can be a great mood-booster!

Find out how much exercise you should be doing each day.

6. Enjoy micro moments

Make time for soothing practices which help you feel a sense of wellbeing. It can be as simple as massaging in some scented hand balm, listening to calming music, taking a minute for meditation or sipping on a cup of soothing herbal tea.

Read up on the benefits of chamomile.

7. Breathe better to feel better

Slowing down your breath can calm your mind and body, but if focusing on the breath alone feels difficult, move with the breath instead: find a comfortable place to rest your hands, palms facing upwards. As you breathe in, open your hands fully and as you breathe out, make a gentle fist. Keep focusing on the movement of your hands and notice how this relaxes your breathing – it's a great distraction from unwelcome thoughts.

8. Make time to connect

Connection can be helpful for getting some perspective and taking our minds off things which may be worrying us. So make time to talk to those around you, even if it's a phone call or a text.

You might find it useful to read how to overcome social anxiety.

9. Power off

You're no different from your devices – you need to power off with some regular downtime. Mindful choices include listening to podcasts, audiobooks and guided relaxations such as yoga nidra, or watching TV and movies that make you laugh, or try your hand at gratitude journalling.

Try our podcasts:

Olive podcast
Good Food podcast

A woman walking in nature

10. Reconnect with nature

Spending time in nature is known to help alleviate stress and brings about a better state of mental wellbeing. Aim for 20-30 minutes of gentle walking or sitting in green spaces, daily if you can.

If you're feeling stressed or anxious, don't disregard it. Seek advice from your GP, and visit Mind for information and support.

Discover more wellbeing guides from Good Food:

What is stress and how to reduce it
Stress relief: How diet and lifestyle can help
Top 10 tips for working from home
The health benefits of exercise
10 foods to boost your brainpower
What is stress and how to reduce it

This article was reviewed on 18 September 2024 by Suzy Reading.

Suzy Reading is a mother of two, an author, chartered psychologist and coach. She specialises in self-care, helping people manage their stress, emotions, and energetic bank balance. It was her life experience of motherhood colliding with the terminal illness of her father that sparked her passion for self-care which she now teaches to her clients, young and old, to cope during periods of stress, loss and change and to boost their resilience in the face of future challenges. Suzy is the Psychology Expert for wellbeing brand Neom Organics and is a founding member of the ‘Nourish’ app. She figure-skated her way through her childhood, growing up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, and now makes her home in the hills of Hertfordshire, UK. Her first book ‘The Self-Care Revolution’ published by Aster came out in 2017, with many others following. These include 'Stand Tall Like a Mountain: Mindfulness & Self-Care for Children and Parents'; 'The Little Book of Self-Care’; 'Self-Care for Tough Times' and 'Sit to Get Fit'. Her latest book, 'Self-care for Winter', is hot off the press.


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